domestic goddess pizza
every time i make this pizza dough, i fall more and more in love with myself. i kiss myself on the lips, and promise myself sweet things.. i won’t go into more detail, but let’s just say it’s really...
View Articlesweet sinful sunday
i seriously had one of the best birthdays… there was nothing fancy about it- it just was… comfortable. down to earth. cozy. loving. it was so yummy to feel all the well wishes for me, from this tribe...
View Articlerainy day comforts
the house filled up with a divine smell this morning.. a concoction so simple, creating so much warmth and comfort in the air. mmm… if that isn’t a dish full of comfort food, i don’t know what is. i...
View Articlesimplicity
you know how i mentioned that i am cutting out eating junky sweets, and just savouring the delicious home-made treats (that i am trying not to make too often) but last night i just needed to bake....
View Article{indulge} *chocolate peanut-butter no bake cookies*
these cookies are one of our family’s favourites. my papa and i would make them together, hot gooey mess of melted chocolate, peanut butter, and oats. some batches so perfectly perfect, and some that...
View Articlepaper heart
i have a tiny stack of magazines. anthropologie and some other..fantastically eye candy.. clothing magazine. anyway. i don’t really buy magazines like i used to- but have always looooved them for...
View Article*waldorf inspired doll
last night, i spent about three hours hand sewing little doll clothes. (no pattern, old clothes of mine, pinning, sewing, cutting- one dress, one pair of leggings, and one t-shirt top for the doll)...
View Articlemama makings* continued…
i finished the waldorf inspired doll! okay well.. she isn’t finished yet.. there’s still a bit of tweaking, clipping.. trying to decide on a mouth- if so… what type. but her head is now on her body.....
View Articledeep dark chocolate cookies
ahhh pinterest is such a delicious thing, no? a melting pot of inspiration and ideas. i found the recipe for the most amazing chocolately chocolate cookies, a perfect bite on the outside and...
View Articlepumpkin pie me
so it was on my list – bake a pumpkin pie, they’re my favourite… the combination of cinnamon, ginger, clove… the brilliance of an orange pumpkin brought to rustic pie. everything about a pumpkin pie...
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